In the News

Mayor Sarno and PBRM Director Ashe Attend Springfield Garden Club Luncheon

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with Parks, Buildings, and Recreation Management (PBRM) Director Tom Ashe, former PBRM Director Patrick Sullivan, and Springfield Garden club members and President Janine Boland for the Springfield Garden Club Luncheon at the Barney Carriage House located in Forest Park today.

Mayor Sarno states, “PBRM Director Tom Ashe and retired PBRM Director Patrick Sullivan and I want to thank Janine Boland, President of our Springfield Garden Club, for welcoming us to this year’s Springfield Garden Club luncheon. The Club does such wonderful and tremendous work in our community helping to stimulate the promotion of civic beauty through horticulture and conservation. My administration is proud to continue to support and invest in our wonderful municipal parks system for everyone’s enjoyment.  Current PBRM Director Tom Ashe, Retired PBRM Director Patrick Sullivan and I are especially proud of the exciting investments and development plans for Forest Park, which includes the Horticulture Center project.”

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm